...sugar and spice and everything nice...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

oh my,

where have i been? i dont even know if anyone is reading this thing anymore but i am going to go ahead and post, finally, after all this time. i tell you what, blogging is still something i really enjoy, but i just cant seem to find time right now to do it. i want to, and plan to, but never seem to get to. i am thinking that beginning August 1st i might try to post once a day just to get back into the groove.

God is really working on me right now and that may be why i have been subconsciously avoiding the blog world. Some things are just a little too complicated or personal for me to get into in unknown space. Im working thru some things that have been with me for many years now and everything seems to be right at the surface and i am not sure what to do with it all. ive had some very wise council the last few months and that is helping, but it is still right there, staring me down and i have to decide where to go next.

you know, it's real easy to know what you are supposed to do, i.e. forgive, let God, let go, but it is so difficult to actually do it. To accept the past as something you cannot change, to release those who have hurt you, to not allow the past to rule you any longer, these are works in progress. I am learning to process what happened in the past in a different light and let me tell you, there's a lot of reprocessing to do.

so here i am, reprogramming my personal computer. it is weighing heavy on me, this burden of the past, but i know this must be done to look forward to the future.


Blogger Joy Madison said...

I'm with you sister....God is working, and I think especially with women, on being full of grace!!! I'm praying for you and can't wait to really "meet" you in 2 weeks!

11:34 PM

Blogger meridith said...

reprogramming is hard work! i miss blogging too but i love knowing that all my sweet blogger friends are out there even if we aren't posting as much lately.

8:30 PM


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