Pumpkin Farm
Yes! we made the annual trip to the pumpkin farm this past friday with the cousins and sister and brother in law and had a ball! I will be honest, I always get hesitant as the day approaches because i am not a big fan of riding in a car for much time. I get antsy legs and have a little problem with car sickness. But it always turns out to be the best time, (especially now that Luxie is older and actually makes it thru the day without a huge tantrum due to lack of sleep.) So we had loads of fun at our picnic by the stream, taking Luxie into her first portapotty (i dont think ive said "DONT TOUCH!" so many times in my life:), strolling thru rows and rows of pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and on her first hay ride! The most wonderful part of it all was the fact that on our first trip up Luxie was just 7 months old, right around the same age as Zaine (10 months) this time around. It just brought back so many memories, and that is what makes the trip worth it. The memories.

so cute.
2:28 PM
that looks like the perfect autumn outing!
10:49 PM
Darling pictures! Thank so much for sharing them with us.....The girls look so cute, as usual! What blessings we have....What is it about pumpkins? I can remember carving them when I was very little and also pulling a jack-o-lantern! Do you know what a jack-o-lantern is? Ask your hubby... I think we used to do one for him when he was little...mtxe
10:59 PM
was it not the perfect day? thanks for making the trek, k-girl. you know the girls will always remember it. :)
2:23 PM
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