...sugar and spice and everything nice...

Monday, May 09, 2005

Well, it's official....

Im pregnant (woo-hoo?) ! I say it with the question mark because like most other women, pregnancy means sickness--at least for a few months. But nonetheless I am pregnant! Eight weeks and a few days to be exact. It has been REALLY tough not to say anything. Believe me it has taken every ounce of integrity I have to keep the secret as my husband so wished to do. Dont get me wrong, he is right! We should keep it quiet until my first appointment and just to enjoy it for a while between us. And especially with having had a miscarriage in December, we were determined to wait it out until we were sure things were on the right track. And so far everything is good. I realize there isnt much I can do if things go wrong again, it is completely out of my hands..so I will trust God day by day and hopefully see this little one sometime in December!

Like I said before, my husband is the big secret keeper. He would be a great government official. It's like Fort Knox with him. I, on the other hand, am terrible about keeping secrets. Just letting all of you know that right up front. Dont tell me anything that I dont need to know. Just ask my old high school friends. I remember one time A.W. came up to me at my locker and said "Did you know so-and-so was throwing up in the bathroom?" "What?" I said, excited about this new piece of information. I immediately found another friend who I typically walked to class with and shared my juicy tidbit. We parted ways, and just as I reached class A.W. came up to me and said, "Did you just tell (friend) what I told you? She just told me!" OOPS! Less than 5 minutes had passed! But just enough time for me to open my big mouth! Of course now I value friendships considerably more than I did back then, so I work much harder to keep quiet.

My husband is the secret keeper of all secret keepers, however. Except for one flaw, he would be the ultimate. He's sloppy. Sloppy with exposing his secrets. I will never forget the time I found a box of cookies shoved under my seat in the car. Who knows how long they had been there? But it was a pretty good secret! If only he hadnt come up against me--the ultimate sluth. (Remember not too long ago I told you my favorite writer of all time is Agatha Christie. Im known around my house for getting to the bottom of things.) Im terrible at keeping secrets because I like to solve things! I love to know the answers! Life would be so much easier for a sloppy secret keeper if it werent for me and my detective skills.

Anyway, Im pregnant! So the journey begins....


Blogger andrea said...

I've said it before, but I surely don't mind saying it again: CONGRATULATIONS! ward and I are so happy for you both and are here for you (should you need anything AT ALL)... can't wait to see what this new person will be like... we love you so much and will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy/healthy baby.

1:28 PM

Blogger meridith said...


7:18 PM

Blogger mommy zabs said...

CONGRATS YAY WOOHOO! I'm so happy for you. But I understand the fear of sick thing. How have you been feeling?

I'm so like you on the secret thing.... it KILLS me to have to keep that kind of secret you are so excited about. I could walk into a room and people can detect I got something I want to tell. If I have to keep a big secret like that I have to avoide people- it's awful!

I'm so happy for you. When you due?
I will pray for the safety of your baby!

8:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom and I are so excited and pleased for you two! Can't remember how we told our parents except maybe just told them. Didn't keep the secret for long! God is a great God and we will continue to pray for you two ( three counting Luxie) and, of course, the baby! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

8:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome. you may have a few rough times during the pregnancy but that will all fade away over time... kids are great...

peace... love... bdg...

11:52 AM

Blogger lulu said...

thanks everyone! so far it has been lots of "car sickness" feeling, but nothing like what I had with my girl. (Praise God!) But thanks for your well wishings!

12:45 PM

Blogger Jan Halvarson said...

so i heard over at mommyzabs that you are both expecting so i just had to bid you my congratulations - how exciting! i look forward to hearing about the journey!

6:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:12 AM


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