...sugar and spice and everything nice...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Give Thanks

Nate, Luxie and I early 2004

I am so thankful for this family. My amazing, wonderful husband who loves me in spite of all my flaws (and there are many...) and my sweet baby girl who is no longer a baby but a beautiful growing girl who is smart as a whip and very, very funny. I cannot imagine my life without them. Thank you, God.

I am so thankful for this new little girl kicking and poking at me daily, ready to burst forth from the womb and begin her life as a part of this family. What a miracle. I cant wait to see just who she is.

I thank God for our parents and siblings. All the time, money, sacrifice and love our parents invested in our lives to help us become the grown ups : ) we are today. Many lessons were learned along the way, some very tough, but they made us who we are and will shape who we become. And Nate's siblings, well, they have become like my own. Andrea, Ward, Ava, and Ezra are like blood to me, and I enjoy the times we spend so much! And Von, although we dont get to see him much, he's just what a younger brother ought to be. I miss the times we shared before kids--especially around the holidays, when we would stay up til the wee hours of the morning laughing hysterically, watching movies and playing board games. But I look forward to watching our kids grow to do the same, and soon, once the kids have grown some, we will be able to stay up late together again (although by then we will be in our 40's!)

I am thankful for a warm home, cars to get me daily where I need to go, food to eat whenever I get hungry (or just want to indulge), decent clothes and shoes to wear, a healthy mind and body to get me thru each day, and all the extras. I know I am blessed and I thank God.

I am thankful for many friends, old and new, who listen to my rants and celebrate my victories. Friends who've known me since my early years, friends who shared with me the glory days of college, friends I've met since Nate and I became "one", and even my blogging friends, who have become like old friends in many ways! Im very thankful for you all!

I thank God for this year, with all of it's ups and downs, it's highs and lows, it's thrills and spills. Two trips to home to see my parents, a vacation with Nate's family, the blessing of another pregnancy, 8 year wedding anniversary, birthdays, visits by our parents, a free car, and the birth of our second child! And I thank Him for what is to come, what 2006 will hold. It might be tough, it might be a breeze, but I am thankful God promises to be there with me, with us, thru it all.

Thank you to everyone who shared this year with us! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Blogger mommy zabs said...

That is all so awesome. Happy Thanksgiving!
We love you LULU!

12:31 PM

Blogger meridith said...

what a cute picture of you guys! i love it. happy thanksgiving!!!

12:26 PM

Blogger andrea said...

and we are so thankful for you, for nate, for that sweet little luxie lu. and my beautiful baby niece about to enter this world... lovely post. and I know nate doesn't like this pic, but I think it's super cute of the three of you.

10:40 PM

Blogger GJ said...

Love this picture....so so cute!!

11:47 AM

Blogger AJ Fabulous said...

What a GORGEOUS family!

4:06 PM


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