...sugar and spice and everything nice...

Monday, April 24, 2006

the hand

This is the hand. The hand that helped her bounce on the moonwalk, for what seemed like hours, with her favorite cousin Ava. The hand that brought to her mouth an entire bag of puffy cheetos and not much else for lunch. The hand that searched the tall grass and bushes for the lovely plastic eggs containing prizes and chocolaty treats. The hand that came across something odd in the grass. The hand that lifted the dead baby bird to mommy in the middle of the Easter egg hunt. The hand that mommy grabbed onto quickly while hysterically screaming "DROP IT! DROP IT! DROP IT!" The hand that Aunt Andrea and mommy washed frantically with an antibacterial wipe. The hand that later unwrapped the sweet chocolaty treats and led them to her mouth (after mommy was certain the hand was absolutely free of all dead baby bird germs). The hand that lay limp over the edge of her carseat, dangling from her passed out body as we drove away from the festivities.


Blogger mommy zabs said...

that will be a fun story for her prom date :)

10:50 PM

Blogger meridith said...

what a cute and funny snapshot of her day. well done!

10:42 PM

Blogger lulu said...

thanks! the photo was actually taken by non other than hulaseventy/aunt andrea and her fabulous camera. which explains why it is so cute.

7:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that brought a tear to my eye, to say the least. What a little angel we have here! Soooooooooo cute and what a funny story, now that the scare is over. What a sweetheart! Is that an adorable picture, or what! That was very well written!

9:44 AM

Blogger andrea said...

love this, k-girl. love the way you told the story. great post.

10:13 AM


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